This current economic crisis is another example of people not paying enough attention to language.
Sub-prime. They were called sub-prime mortgages. Sub-prime. SUB as in less than as in lower, as in not as good.
As in subpar.
As in substandard.
Yes, the prefix "sub" can be used with other words and not necessarily mean less than as in submarine, subway, substitute (though, there ain't nothing like the real thing, baby! And what is a stitute?).
But pair the word sub with prime...
Below prime, less then prime, under prime…
Would you be surprised if the grade "F" eggs you bought were spoiled and gave you food poisoning?
Would you be surprised if you went to a no star motel and it was a dump?
Would you be surprised if you paid $15.99 for a flat screen TV and it didn't work?
If so, you have a future in finance and or politics in the US.