Yahoo! really has it wrong this time. Well maybe not for the first nine movies, but to call 2001 one of the most historically wrong films ever is just plain wrong. It was not made as historic fiction. It was filmed in 1968, a film about the future. To then evaluate this film on the basis of whether or not it was good historical fiction is not only unfair but silly. Who is the nincompoop who compiled that list? Yes, the future did not happen as Clarke, rest his soul, envisioned it. But he had nothing but his imagination to create his idea of the future. All those other films about the PAST were made after the events happened. The directors etc. could have done a little more research.
This is just further evidence of how stupid Yahoo! can be.
A very early Easter
Easter is always the 1st Sunday after the 1st full moon after the Spring Equinox (which is March 20). This dating of Easter is based on the lunar calendar that the Hebrews used to identify Passover, which is why it moves around on our Roman calendar.
Based on the above, Easter can actually be one day earlier (March 22) than it will be this year (2008) but that is very rare.
This year is the earliest Easter any of us will ever see for the rest of our lives! And only the most elderly of our population have ever seen it this early previously (95 years old or above!). And none of us have ever, or will ever, see it a day earlier!
Here are the facts:
1) The next time Easter will be this early (March 23) will be the year 2228 (220 years from now). The last time it was this early was 1913 (so if you're 95 or older, you are the only ones that were around for that!).
2) The next time it will be a day earlier, March 22, will be in the year 2285 (277 years from now). The last time it was on March 22 was 1818. So, no one alive today has or will ever see it any earlier than this year!
And with all this information, can you tell me what a rabbit has to do with Jesus?
And with all this information, can you tell me what a rabbit has to do with Jesus?
Wood Bolt Stool

"What the Fuck" File # 124.5d
Why bother with a still suit
Monkey Needs A Drink - Watch more free videos
Monkey Needs A Drink - Watch more free videos
Muslims nations: Defame Islam, get sued?
This is exactly why people make fun of Islam. Well, it is better than blowing up people. But I don't want some whiners in another country telling me what I can and cannot say, what whole other countries can and cannot say. And this guy is another reason people make fun of Islam.

All religions are asinine. All religions are misused. Read God is not Great: How religion spoils everything. But seems like some Islamists are getting quite sensitive. This is pitting the ideals of free speech against the ideals of one religion.
Has anyone compared the growing pains and wars of Christian Sects centuries ago to the wars of Islamic sects today? Just heard on the radio the other day how in one of the original 13 colonies Quakers were hanged just for being Quakers. A Quaker! How more innocent can you get than a Quaker. Guess the Christians who hanged them forgot about that one commandment. "The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay were determined to exclude alien elements from their spiritual community, and they hanged four Quakers to prove it."

All religions are asinine. All religions are misused. Read God is not Great: How religion spoils everything. But seems like some Islamists are getting quite sensitive. This is pitting the ideals of free speech against the ideals of one religion.
Has anyone compared the growing pains and wars of Christian Sects centuries ago to the wars of Islamic sects today? Just heard on the radio the other day how in one of the original 13 colonies Quakers were hanged just for being Quakers. A Quaker! How more innocent can you get than a Quaker. Guess the Christians who hanged them forgot about that one commandment. "The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay were determined to exclude alien elements from their spiritual community, and they hanged four Quakers to prove it."
Talk about stupid. No, not hybrids. I have a Prius, had it since 2002. 1st generation!! On the forefront, the cutting (or is it bleeding?) edge. What I am calling stupid is SUV hybrids. Yes, they might get better mileage than a non Hybrid, but their mileage still sucks.
An SUV hybrid does not address the real problem of people driving around much more metal than necessary. A hybrid SUV allows people to justify their outrageous purchases, to assuage their guilt - "It's really not that's a hybrid...I am helping the environment...yeah, there is a green leaf on my car..."
An extreme analogy would be comparing Saddam Hussein to Hitler. "At least Hussein didn't kill 6 million people, therefore he is a good guy. Yeah, that's it!"
C'mon, get real. 30 mpg is still 30 mpg to carry one fat person through the Jack in the Box drive through, whether or not you have a lithium battery in your trunk.
An SUV hybrid does not address the real problem of people driving around much more metal than necessary. A hybrid SUV allows people to justify their outrageous purchases, to assuage their guilt - "It's really not that's a hybrid...I am helping the environment...yeah, there is a green leaf on my car..."
An extreme analogy would be comparing Saddam Hussein to Hitler. "At least Hussein didn't kill 6 million people, therefore he is a good guy. Yeah, that's it!"
C'mon, get real. 30 mpg is still 30 mpg to carry one fat person through the Jack in the Box drive through, whether or not you have a lithium battery in your trunk.
Legalize it.
Eliot Spitzer has been caught with his pants almost down. And his career is probably over. But why? Does it matter where he hides the salami? I mean, as long as it is another consenting adult who cares? Yes, money was exchanged for the services, but that is between the two parties involved and their accountants. No, I don't think that it is a good thing that a married man was soliciting the services of a prostitute. Maybe his wife likes the idea of her husband with another man. Who knows what gets them off? And anyways, what business is it of ours?
If prostitution where legal it could be unionized. It could be taxed. Instead of people walking the street, they could be in a business place, like Amsterdam.
Funny how many Republicans are all about personal freedoms and getting the government off people's back. But as soon as money is involved in getting someone on their back, the Republicans want to stick their noses in.
If prostitution where legal it could be unionized. It could be taxed. Instead of people walking the street, they could be in a business place, like Amsterdam.
Funny how many Republicans are all about personal freedoms and getting the government off people's back. But as soon as money is involved in getting someone on their back, the Republicans want to stick their noses in.
Sentimental Pussyfooting - post show
The show is over. Came and went like a firefly in the night, ahhh the poetry of it all. Well, at least no one told me how poetic the show was this time. Hate that term. So vague, kinda like saying congratulations after a show. Nice but meaningless. I am thankful for all the people who came, but disappointed at all the people who didn't. This town, this bay area is so not curious about dance. Dancers do not go see work of people they don't know unless that person is famous. I remember one time talking with another choreographer in a taco shop on Mission, talking about seeing work. He said that after seeing all the work that his friends are in that it is hard for him to go out and see stuff by someone he doesn't know. He might not like it. LIKE IT? The point isn't to go see stuff because you like it. The point is to go see stuff to see what other artists in your community are up to, to see what they are thinking about. Granted no one is thinking about anything in this community, so maybe that is why people don't go see dancers others than their friends.
But I am thinking about something. Sentimental Pussyfooting is a brilliant show. It might not be entertaining, but I am not looking for entertainment in my art. If I wanted entertainment, I would stay at home get stoned and watch a movie. The show has a focus, looks at older work in a new light, a coherent aesthetic. It's not about love and communication, blah blah blah.
Going to a show this Thursday at Dance Mission. Not friends with any of the people in it, as far as I know who is in it, but I am curios to see what these people are up to, to see what they are thinking about. Might not like the show, but I am not going for a good time. To stay engaged and connected I need to see what other people are up to.
If you do not actively see work, go see all different shows, what does that say about your process?
But I am thinking about something. Sentimental Pussyfooting is a brilliant show. It might not be entertaining, but I am not looking for entertainment in my art. If I wanted entertainment, I would stay at home get stoned and watch a movie. The show has a focus, looks at older work in a new light, a coherent aesthetic. It's not about love and communication, blah blah blah.
Going to a show this Thursday at Dance Mission. Not friends with any of the people in it, as far as I know who is in it, but I am curios to see what these people are up to, to see what they are thinking about. Might not like the show, but I am not going for a good time. To stay engaged and connected I need to see what other people are up to.
If you do not actively see work, go see all different shows, what does that say about your process?
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