Shouldn't the punishment fit the crime?
"The attacks also have wounded about 650 people, the sources said."
"One of the strikes killed an Israeli at a construction site in Ashkelon, 6 miles (10 kilometers) north of Gaza, and wounded eight others, a hospital spokeswoman said. The Israeli fatality is the second since the airstrikes began Saturday."
"An Israeli strike early Monday hit the Jabalya refugee camp, leaving five children dead in a home that was damaged when a nearby mosque was hit, said Dr. Mu'awiya Hassanein. The Israeli military had no immediate comment."
excerpts from an article by CNN
Hamas, in its idiocy, shoots rockets at Israel and kills one person. Israel, in its over-adrenalized fedupness (if that is a word), bombs the piss out of Gaza killing hundreds, children included.
Going by the numbers, Palestine kills 2 and Israel kills 300. Overkill, no?
But why did Hamas think that shooting rockets at Israel was a good idea? Did they expect this time to be different?
Idiots, the lot of them.
Lying to ourselves
Is someone HIV free if 96% of the virus is gone?
Does a country have no unemployment if 4% of the population is unemployed?
c.1789, from Fr. chorégraphie, coined from Gk. khoreia "dance" + graphein "to write." Choreograph (v.) is from 1943.
If this is true then Laban was the first (and only?) choreographer.
The Perfect Name
What the Fuck? File # 17-f
First US face transplant complete
Surgeons at a clinic in a Cleveland, Ohio, have performed America's first almost-total face transplant.12.15.2008

could do a lot more.

Maybe put all this money

they are spending on their new ad campaign

jewel heist
Four armed robbers -- two of them men disguised as women -- walked into a luxury jewelry store in Paris and swiped an estimated €80 million (U.S. $101 million) in jewels, the Paris prosecutor's office said.
Makes you wonder though if this was some kind of an inside job - >
"The same shop was robbed of millions of euros worth of jewelry just 14 months ago, in October 2007."
Also makes you wonder why the robbers felt the need to wear dresses. How did that figure into the plan? Maybe shock and awe? Maybe we should have gone into Iraq with an army in drag and the whole mess would already be cleaned up. Never underestimate the power of a good outfit.
Can I get my $100 back?
Well, maybe it's better than being a McCain supporter now. That money went nowhere.
fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me...you can't get fooled again
Dec 3, 2008
(CNN) — A Florida congresswoman – convinced she was being prank-called by a Barack Obama sound-alike – hung up on the actual president-elect Wednesday.
Florida Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen was told by an aide that Obama wanted to speak with her. According to a statement released by her office, the Republican congresswoman cut off the caller, telling him she thought “this is a joke from one of the South Florida radio stations known for these pranks.” She then hung up.
Obama’s future White House chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel – a fellow congressman – then called her to let her know she’d actually been speaking with the future commander-in-chief. Ros-Lehtinen, convinced the call was another hoax, hung up on him, too.
Finally, an aide told Ros-Lehtinen she had an urgent call from Chairman Howard Berman, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Still suspicious, Ros-Lehtinen urged the California Democrat to recount a story only both of them would know.
Berman passed the test — and told her she had, in fact, hung up on President-elect Obama.
Thai protesters shut down airport
"Flights from Thailand's international airport have been suspended after hundreds of anti-government protesters stormed the building outside Bangkok."
"We will stay until the government steps down. This government is not legitimate," retired university lecturer Sunthorn Kaewlai told the Reuters news agency."
We certainly have changed, as a people, since the founding days of our country -
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure. - Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Where was I in the run up to the war? Well, I attended one protest. Maybe I should ask how come I couldn't/didn't do that?
Miami judge rules against Florida gay adoption ban
A judge on Tuesday ruled that a strict Florida law that blocks gay people from adopting children is unconstitutional, declaring there was no legal or scientific reason for sexual orientation alone to prohibit anyone from adopting.
The state presented experts who claimed there was a higher incidence of drug and alcohol abuse among gay couples, that they were more unstable than heterosexual unions and that the children of gay couples suffer a societal stigma.
Organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association and American Psychiatric Association all support permitting same-sex couples to adopt.
"Everywhere in the law where children are affected, the standard must always be what is in the best interest of the child," said Stemberger, an attorney in Orlando. "What is stunning to me is that when it comes to dealing with gays, that standard goes out the window. Children do better with a mother and a father."
If that is true, Stemberger should be campaigning to prevent divorce, which has been proven to be a leading cause of single parenthood. John Stemberger should also campaign to make it illegal for parents to die, another leading cause of single parenthood. Maybe the courts could find single parents and force them into relationships. Maybe give out eHarmony or Match.com accounts to single parents at tax payers' expense.
2 degrees from Condi Rice

The Electoral College must Die
Florida: 34 electoral votes and 18,251,243 -> 675,972 citizens per electoral vote
California: 55 electoral votes and 36,553,215 citizens -> 664,604 citizens per electoral vote
at the other end of the spectrum
Wyoming: 3 electoral votes and 522,830 citizens -> 174,277 citizens per electoral vote
District of Columbia: 3 electoral votes and 588,292 citizens -> 196,097 citizens per electoral vote
Vermont: 3 electoral votes and 621, 254 citizens -> 207, 085 citizens per electoral vote
Is this fair? I thought democracy was based on one person, one vote. But by this system a vote in Wyoming is worth roughly 4x that of a vote in Texas and roughly 3.8x that of a vote in California. I ask again - is this fair?
Why do we have the electoral college?
Grant Griffin is a Moron
From an AP article on race threats.
Grant Griffin, a 46-year-old white Georgia native, expressed similar sentiments: "I believe our nation is ruined and has been for several decades and the election of Obama is merely the culmination of the change."
"If you had real change it would involve all the members of (Obama's) church being deported," he said.
I wish Grant would get deported.
The 3 Phases of Creation
Improvisation implies a knowledge of relationship between elements and a desire to create something with those elements outside or different from the elements themselves.
Experimentation, the step before improvisation, also implies a knowledge of elements but less of a desire to create something outside of or different from those elements. Experimentation is the use of/ investigation into the elements to discover their possible relationships.
The step before experimentation is exploration - the discovery of the elements themselves.
Borrowing Money
Italy too. England, the USA, and Germany also.
Iceland has gone under. Guess they didn't borrow soon enough.
Japan and South Korea are also borrowing money.
From whom are all these countries borrowing to stay afloat?
The Saudis? Russia? The Chinese? Kim Jong Il, illin' and chillin' like a villian above the DMZ?
5 Surgeons
Five surgeons from big cities are discussing who makes the best
patients to operate on:
The first surgeon, from New York , says, 'I like to see Accountants on my operating table; because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered.'
The second surgeon, from Chicago, responds, 'Yeah, but you should try Electricians! Everything inside them is color coded.'
The third surgeon, from Dallas, says, 'No, I really think Librarians are the best. Everything inside them is in alphabetical order.'
The fourth surgeon, from Los Angeles, chimes in, 'You know, I like construction workers. Those guys always understand when you have a few parts left over.'
But the fifth surgeon, from Washington , DC , shut them all up when he observed,
'You're all wrong. Politicians are the easiest to operate on.
There's no guts, no heart, no balls, no brains, and no spine; plus the head and the butt are interchangeable.
Bush is at fault
"Bush's policies, Bush is stoopid, Bush this, Bush that." Blah blah blah.
Yes, I agree Bush has been a terrible president. Anyone with half a luke warm cerebellum knows that. But how did he get there? Is Bush at fault or are all the people who voted for him at fault?
We are letting all those people who put him in office, who gave him the power to do what he has done, letting them off too easy. What about all those people who voted against Kerry because he was a flip-flopper? What about all those people who were so gung-ho for Bush and his accomplished missions?
Those people are the real causes of this deficit, this war, this financial crisis due to deregulation. Those folks got him into office. By blaming all this on Bush, we let ourselves off the hook. It absolves us of the real guilt. We all are at fault for the situation we are in - half of us for voting for him and the other half for not raising enough Hell, for all the shit he has pulled.
everything is a Rorschach test
Guess it runs in the family
The basic actions of Neil Bush in the S&L scandal are as follows:
Neil received a $100,000 "loan" from Ken Good, of Good International, with no obligation to pay any of the money back.
Good was a large shareholder in JNB Explorations, Neil Bush's oil-exploration company.
Neil failed to disclose this conflict-of-interest when loans were given to Good from Silverado, because the money was to be used in joint venture with his own JNB. This was in essence giving himself a loan from Silverado through a third party.
Neil then helped Silverado S&L approve Good International for a $900,000 line of credit.
Good defaulted on a total $32 million in loans from Silverado.
During this time Neil Bush did not disclose that $3 million of the $32 million that Good was defaulting on was actually for investment in JNB, his own company.
Good subsequently raised Bush's JNB salary from $75,000 to $125,000 and granted him a $22,500 bonus.
Neil Bush maintained that he did not see how this constituted a conflict of interest.
Neil approved $106 million in Silverado loans to another JNB investor, Bill Walters.
Neil also never formally disclosed his relationship with Walters and Walters also defaulted on his loans, all $106 million of them.
Neil Bush was charged with criminal wrongdoing in the case and ended up paying $50,000 to settle out of court. The chief of Silverado S&L was sentenced to 3.5 years in jail for pleading guilty to $8.7 million in theft. (Keep in mind that you can get more jail time for holding up a gas station for $50.)
Today Neil Bush is working on closing a deal in Florida, where his brother Jeb is governor, to sell a software package to schools with his startup company Ignite.
She had a tramp stamp, a coin slot and a muffin top.
the Trifecta!
Long live the Free Market ! (unless it hurts the wealthy)
Free Market! Free Market! Free Market! Free Market!Free Market! Free Market!Free Market! Free Market!Free Market! Free Market!Free Market! Free Market!Free Market! Free Market!
Oh shit!
Save us! Give us Money! Save us! Give us Money! Save us! Give us Money! Save us! Give us Money! Save us! Give us Money! Save us! Give us Money! Save us! Give us Money! Save us! Give us Money! Save us! Give us Money! Save us! Give us Money! Save us! Give us Money!
Live by the free market, die by the free market, no?
Isn't the bank bailout basically socialism?
Why doesn't the federal government bail me out when I make bad business decisions?
Race and Our Place in It
There are black people and white people. A color scheme, yes?
Okay, fine, but then to call an Asian person yellow is derogatory and to call a Native American person red is also offensive. But to describe someone as having olive colored skin is okay. Which kind of olive anyways - Kalamata or Graber's? Nabali or Manzanillo? Mission or Pecholine?
Oriental is out and Occidental (its correspondent term) was never in.
To call a person a European is fine, but to call someone Oriental is frowned up. European cars and Oriental rugs, just fine. Granted no one under 75 calls Asia the Orient, but still...
And European styling? What the @#$@! is that? Italy and Sweden...same style?
Caucasian, or European. Are we using continents or mountain ranges to define ourselves? Hitler tried Aryan, but he probably would have put the real Aryans in his camps.
Are we using colors or names of countries, continents or geographical features? How about all of the above?
And then there's hyphenating. Do we do it from the part of the world our ancestors came from? or just the country? Am I a European-American? Or a Northern-European American? Or an American of European descent? Or to be people first, a person living in American of European descent.
I think this inability for us to pick one spectrum of label ourselves is related to the affirmative action debate, also to the individual vs. group debate. What scale do we use to evaluate applicants for schools, jobs, contracts? When do we say that everyone is finally on the same playing field?
Who knows?
I certainly don't.
I just know that I am a white Caucasian Occidental Polish-Czech-German-Irish-English-Scotch American.
Carbon Footprint of music
But I digress...
As I sit here and listen to this music, I wonder about the environmental impact of listening to music on the internet. Does it take more juice than listening to a cd of the same music? How does that compare to a turntable? If all music in the future is only digital and no physical LPs or CDs are made, would that offset all the energy needed to run my computer, wireless router, DSL system and computers at Pandora's end? No need to drive to a store to buy a plastic disc to then drive back home and stick into my computer to then rip and store on a harddrive that has to be on and using juice if I want to listen to the music.
Maybe the best way, least impactful method of listening to music would be just to make my own music on non electrified equipment...
the true history [is] lost
From "John Adams" the HBO miniseries
"It is very bad history"
"Do not let our posterity be deluded with fictions under the guise of poetical or graphical license."
"I consider the true history of the American Revolution as lost."
Was Tom Hooper, the director of this series, also talking about his own work, this miniseries on John Adams. A visual experience based upon a written experience, the book John Adams by David McCullough. How much has this series deluded our posterity with fictions? How much of what we witnessed in the series actually happened?
What scares me is that in a few years, and maybe this is already happening, films & movies such as these will be shown in classrooms as fact. Easier to watch a movie than to read a book.
The second quote above also relates to art making. I would postulate that art, especially dance is deluded with too many fictions under the guise of poetical license. Too often choreographers are vague about what the point of their work is. Hiding under the guise of poetical license is one thing that brings dance down in terms of being taken seriously, removing it out of the entertainment world.
Too often dance makers bow too quickly to their own aesthetic to make something that is palatable to the audience, rather than following their curiosity to its end - wanting more to please than to challenge. Dance is still stuck in the world of dancing for the court, trying to please the king. Instead of now it is the audience and the grant panels. What logics are hip now? What tools are hip now? What aesthetics are hip now? The true idea of the choreographer gets lost. The work gets lost in poetical and graphical license.
Not many choreographers are accused of being great intellects. Playwrights, composers, yes. But not choreographers.
Why is that?
( I think it has something to with that horrible quote which has been destroying dance ever since whoever said it - "Dance expresses what words cannot" or some such nonsense like that)
Quote of the day
from Pandora about a song by the Precious Fathers
Swimming vs. running
This leads me to wonder why there are not running races of people running backwards. "That would be silly" you say. Well, what is the backstroke? Swimming backwards, looking where you have been not where you are going.
Comparing the World Records in the 4 styles in the 50 m race, we see that the 50 m freestyle is the fastest.
50 m freestyle 21.28
50 m backstroke 24.47 *
50 m breaststroke 27.18
50 m butterfly 22.96
So why do the other styles of swimming exist? Why are there not styles of running? How quickly could Usain Bolt run the 100 m backwards? Or sideways? Or one one leg? Or while turning in circles? I think the different styles of swimming should be abandoned and people swim however they want to as long as they stay in their lanes. Having different styles of stroke is silly. It should just be getting from A to B as quickly as possible (or A to B to A to B etc. if doing multiple laps) however possible without interfering with other swimmers.
This then leads me to the hurdles. What would the swimming equivalent be? Hoops underwater for the swimmers to go through?
Raccoons in SF
Anyways, we were on Folsom and 6th or there abouts at the light in the right lane. 11 p.m. @ night A racoon sprints across the intersection. Shock, surprise...a taxi comes up the street and generously rounds the corner hitting the racoon with both right side tires. Somehow the racoon survived. Waddled, scrambled of the street to hide underneath a parked car.
What are you supposed to do in that situation? Is there someone to call to help the damaged animal? Animal control? Human Society?
Made me think of the frozen burgers in our 'fridge? Made me think of the time my dog Blackie was run over and died. Made me hate cities and cars. Why are national parks enclosed and roped off? It should be the other way around. Cities, places of human habitat should be sequestered and scrunched together in "national parks" As the human population becomes more urban hopefully that will happen. Restricted zones where we can build, kinda like Portland.
I wonder how long the raccoon lived.
Sport vs. Art
Archery, Athletics(or track and field), Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, Beach Volleyball, Boxing, Canoe/Kayak Flatwater,Canoe/Kayak Slalom, Cycling BMX, Cycling Mountain Bike, Cycling Road, Cycling Track, Diving, Equestrian, Fencing, Football, Gymnastics Artistic, Gymnastics Rhythmic, Trampoline, Handball, Hockey, Judo, Modern Pentathlon, Rowing, Sailing, Shooting, Softball, Swimming, Synchronized Swimming, Table, Tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, Triathlon, Volleyball, Water Polo, Weightlifting, Wrestling
Some of these sports have judges, determining which participant did the event better, a subjective event one could say. Sports in my mind are not subjective. Well, they are subjective in that some people enjoy some sports and not other. Some people enjoy them not at all and are rather proud of that fact (like that mother on Mommy Swap or whatever it's called. Man, was she a nut case.)
Sports are objective - who crosses the line first, who gets the ball from A to B more times, how much did this person lift. It's not about how, but about what. I would remove - Synchronized Swimming, diving and all forms of gymnastics. This not to say that those events are not hard. They are quite hard. What those gymnasts can do is #$#@! amazing. But just because it is physical and hard does not make it a sport. I would say gymnastics and synchronized swimming are really physically challenging art forms.
Giving birth is really hard to do, why not make that a sport? Making a nice soufflé is really hard also. Why not have cooking in the Olympics? There could be a panel of judges who then taste the soufflé and give the cook points for style, presentation and taste. They could even have cook offs with special ingredients. Oh wait, that sounds like Iron Chef.
How about writing, poetry or otherwise in the Olympics?
People get 15 minutes to write something. Give them a topic and off they go. At the end, judges read it and give a grade, I mean a score. Points for difficulty of topic and points for execution.
Ridiculous, if you ask me if cooking or writing made it into the Olympics. Those are clearly not sports. But still hard to do. So is it amount of calories burned that are a requirement for an event to be considered a sport? I'm sure that training for diving takes a lot of calories, but each dive itself can't burn many calories to do. So if it is caloric output, I vote for sumo squats.
So is it physical difficulty that makes an event a sport? Caloric output? What?
It's been a while
Getting back into the rhythm of home (married!) life. So far not so different. Except for the ring finger on my left hand is a little heavier. But it doesn't really fit. When the ring was purchased it fit fine. My ring finger was still slightly swollen due to a torn ligament or tendon. It had been that way for a long time so I thought it was thicker permanently. Now that I have been eating Aleve like it's candy due to my knee, my finger is back to normal. Go figure.
Anyways, go see the film Tell No One. Good stuff.
Blue Tooth
Returning them in SF cost me 20 cents as the sales tax is greater in Oakland than in SF by .25% Go figure. Maybe lower taxes really do stimulate the economy. Ha ha ha.
I must say those blue tooth things are lame...one more thing to keep track of, one more thing to charge, one more thing to lose and have to buy again. And I question the findings that people who talk on phones are as bad as drunk drivers. I mean, will the hands-free devices enable people to drive better? They will still be engrossed in a conversation with someone who is in another location. And as for the argument that hands-free will prevent people from looking at their phones and pushing buttons while they drive...the radio!! Hello, who doesn't look at the radio while driving or the A/C, pushing buttons and not paying attention to the road.
I think it's just a scam foisted upon us by phone company lobbyists so that we have to buy more s#$t.
Reminds me of the switch to digital TV broadcasting.
"What is the TV Converter Box Coupon Program?Congress created the TV Converter Box Coupon Program for households wishing to keep using their analog TV sets after February 17, 2009. The Program allows U.S. households to obtain up to two coupons, each worth $40, that can be applied toward the cost of eligible converter boxes."
Why are we wasting tax payer money on coupons for people to convert their TVs? TV is not a right, it is a privilege. Maybe if people watched fewer hours of TV, they wouldn't be so fat. Less of a drain on health care.
I guess what it comes down to is that I do not want to have my tax dollars going to coupons so people can buy TVs.
*if there is a yesterday, is there a noterday?
Is McCain trustworthy?
from Wikipedia - "they made a prenuptial agreement that kept most of her family's assets under her name; they would always keep their finances apart and file separate income tax returns."
So if John McCain is not trusted by his own wife with her money (estimated to be $100 million), can the American people trust him with their money ( estimated to be a lot more than $100 million)?
The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways
LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- A mishap involving a church van during rush hour on Friday evening injured five people and shut down the highway.The wreck happened between Taylorsville Road and Interstate 64. Sources told NewsChannel 32 one of the van's tires had blown.The 15-passenger van was from the South Jefferson Christian Church in Louisville and showed it had flipped onto its side on the northbound Gene Synder Expressway.Vince Luney of MetroSafe said the injured passengers were taken to University Hospital. Officials said the wreck closed the two northbound lanes and forced the closure of one of the southbound lanes.
US strike on al-Qaida kills children
Instead of Saddam's henchmen making folks disappear, and holding them indefinitely while torturing them, the CIA or some contractor outside the rule of law (whatever that means now!??!?) does that. We have stepped in and filled the power vacuum...
Officials say Obama looking for a VP
Anything wrong with that statement?
Outdoor Stop Motion Animation
MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.
Classical - named after a place -> Ballet Russes, American Ballet Theater
modern - named after a person -> Martha Graham Dance Company, Paul Taylor Dance Company
post modern - named after anything else -> Lower Left, Body Cartography
Is this true for every case? No, but I think there is some truth to it. Takes us back to the question of what defines classical, modern or po mo. Is it the tool, the aesthetic or the logic? See picture below for relationship. Much work done now is still modern in terms of logic but the tools are different than the tools of traditional modern. Maybe that is what contempory work is - modern/classical logic with post modern tools.

Writing Prompt
The next day we parked on that street again. The sweats were gone, but the panties still there.
Mom and...
Initially I purchased 2500 balloons online, but they arrived a day late, so I had to find enough balloons in town to do the piece. Turns out I had more than enough. The limiting factor was time. And because time was limited, we had to limit the space that we could fill with balloons. Further evidence of how time and space are inextricably linked. Next time, and I hope to do this or a version of it again, we will use an electric air pump.
Popping balloons is a very satisfying sensation!

The Damned Don't Cry
The clip above is from the noir film "The Damned Don't Cry" starring Joan Crawford. It's an okay flick, kept waiting for the titular line, but it never came. The clip above is from the end of the movie when the shit hits the fan. The bad guy kills the other bad guy. There's a great roll and flip over a staircase.
Who says parkour started in France?
The Torch Relay is stupid
"Instead of being paraded down Islamabad's leafy main boulevard from the presidential palace and other streets, it will now circulate around the Jinnah sports stadium in the capital, watched by 8000 handpicked guests."
How fucked up is that?
Hand picked guests!?!!?! I thought the point of the relay is to share the joy of the Olympics with everyone, not just a select few. Why have the torch relay if no one can see it?
Even worse was in New Dehli - "...the relay [was] virtually closed off from public view except for the estimated 15,000 policemen who will line the road leading from the presidential palace to India Gate."
Doesn't anyone think that is retarded? Again I ask - why have the torch rally if the public cannot see it? How can China not think something is wrong if so many people are wrecking havoc or at least trying to? And why are people trying so hard to keep the tradition of the torch relay alive?
I say drop the relay. Why keep a tradition started by Hitler alive?
Berkeley Animal Rights Activists or Bomb McDonalds
Animal rights activists have gotten rather rowdy lately, harassing professors who use animals in their research. I can't say that I am for using animals in research, not sure if it always that effective. But I am pretty sure that the protests are just further alienating the public from their cause.
The two most effective protesters to date - Gandhi and M.L.K. - were both non violent.
Look at Palestine and Israel - continual violence and no progress. Didn't the change happen in Ireland once people stopped bombing each other.
And maybe some good comes from animal testing. I am sure some vaccines and medical procedures have been discovered/invented as a result of animal testing.
Where the animal rights activists should put their energy is in fast food. No good comes out of that and the animals are treated far worse in industrial food making than in labs. Attacking professors in labs in too removed from the everyman. If activists put smoke bombs in fast food "restaurants" driving people away from KFC etc, they would get more of a reaction. People would begin to fear going to buy fast food.
Animal testing, while is such for the animals does some good. Fast food does no one any good. It just creates trash and type 2 diabetes.
Mission Accomplished: anagrams
Learned Phrases for Social Interaction
"Smart idea to wear those. I used to be in a rock band and should have worn something like than when I was playing"
As the pool guy approached the agent asks him to move his truck and compliments him on his sunglasses. That compliment stuck out to me. Seemed forced, a concerted effort - Oh, now is when I insert a compliment to make this exchange smooth
It was as if the agent had learned a method of exchange with strangers - Engage, add compliment, get what you need. As if he were following a script he learned in a seminar.
Seemed like a dorky guy who somehow ended up in a social line of work. I would guess he is better at the paper work side of his job than the people work side of his job. Hope the seminar was worth the money.

The title of this post is Halliburton. Last Friday as we were driving to the theater for tech/rehearsal, we passed a factoryesque building. The sign said Halliburton. An American flag was on the pole. The day was grey and rainy, overcast and muggy. Looking at the flag in the rain, I had the question of whether or not it is kosher to fly the flag in the rain. After digging around in the internet, I have found out that it is. Well, as long as the flag is an "all weather flag", whatever that is.
So my whole point about Halliburton, a huge beneficiary of the war in Iraq, displaying an American flag improperly, being a symbol of how conservatives have used patriotism and the war for their real purpose - profit - is out the window unless the flag flying over that Halliburton factory in Houston is not an all weather flag.
From the sad state it was in, I would say it was not.
To be a Republican you need to believe:
2. Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush's Daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him, and a bad guy when Bush needed a "we can't find Bin Laden" diversion.
3. Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is Communist, but trade with China and Vietnam is vital to a spirit of international harmony.
4. The United States should get out of the United Nations, and our highest national priority is
enforcing U.N. resolutions against Iraq.
5. A woman can't be trusted with decisions about her own body, but multinational drug corporations can make decisions affecting all mankind without regulation.
6. The best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in speeches, while slashing
veterans' benefits and combat pay.
7. If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won't have sex.
8. A good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our longtime allies, then demand their cooperation and money.
9. Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy, but providing health care to all Americans
is socialism. HMO's and insurance companies have the best interests of the public at heart.
10. Global warming and tobacco's link to cancer are junk science, but creationism should be taught in schools.
11. A president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable offense, but a president lying to enlist support for a war in which thousands die is solid defense policy.
12. Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet.
13. The public has a right to know about Hillary's cattle trades, but George Bush's driving record is none of our business.
14. Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you're a conservative radio host. Then it's an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.
15. Supporting "Executive Privilege" for every Republican ever born, who will be born or who might be born (in perpetuity.)
16. What Bill Clinton did in the 1960's is of vital national interest, but what Bush did in the '80's is irrelevant.
17. Support for hunters who shoot their friends and blame them for wearing orange vests similar to those worn by the quail.
Yahoo! gets it wrong again.
This is just further evidence of how stupid Yahoo! can be.
A very early Easter
And with all this information, can you tell me what a rabbit has to do with Jesus?
Wood Bolt Stool

"What the Fuck" File # 124.5d
Monkey Needs A Drink - Watch more free videos
Muslims nations: Defame Islam, get sued?

All religions are asinine. All religions are misused. Read God is not Great: How religion spoils everything. But seems like some Islamists are getting quite sensitive. This is pitting the ideals of free speech against the ideals of one religion.
Has anyone compared the growing pains and wars of Christian Sects centuries ago to the wars of Islamic sects today? Just heard on the radio the other day how in one of the original 13 colonies Quakers were hanged just for being Quakers. A Quaker! How more innocent can you get than a Quaker. Guess the Christians who hanged them forgot about that one commandment. "The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay were determined to exclude alien elements from their spiritual community, and they hanged four Quakers to prove it."
An SUV hybrid does not address the real problem of people driving around much more metal than necessary. A hybrid SUV allows people to justify their outrageous purchases, to assuage their guilt - "It's really not that bad...it's a hybrid...I am helping the environment...yeah, there is a green leaf on my car..."
An extreme analogy would be comparing Saddam Hussein to Hitler. "At least Hussein didn't kill 6 million people, therefore he is a good guy. Yeah, that's it!"
C'mon, get real. 30 mpg is still 30 mpg to carry one fat person through the Jack in the Box drive through, whether or not you have a lithium battery in your trunk.
Legalize it.
If prostitution where legal it could be unionized. It could be taxed. Instead of people walking the street, they could be in a business place, like Amsterdam.
Funny how many Republicans are all about personal freedoms and getting the government off people's back. But as soon as money is involved in getting someone on their back, the Republicans want to stick their noses in.
Sentimental Pussyfooting - post show
But I am thinking about something. Sentimental Pussyfooting is a brilliant show. It might not be entertaining, but I am not looking for entertainment in my art. If I wanted entertainment, I would stay at home get stoned and watch a movie. The show has a focus, looks at older work in a new light, a coherent aesthetic. It's not about love and communication, blah blah blah.
Going to a show this Thursday at Dance Mission. Not friends with any of the people in it, as far as I know who is in it, but I am curios to see what these people are up to, to see what they are thinking about. Might not like the show, but I am not going for a good time. To stay engaged and connected I need to see what other people are up to.
If you do not actively see work, go see all different shows, what does that say about your process?
Sentimental Pussyfooting
"This work fits right into dance. In this show, I am
using works by Yoko Ono, Trisha Brown, John Cage, Jess
Curtis and Paul Taylor as points of departure.
The idea behind the show is to use structures that
have been created by and are attached to specific
artists and re-use/reclaim/re-examine them. The way I
see it dance, or most dance, has the same structure.
Lights go on, music and movement start. It's
essentially the same skeleton every time. Whether
it's ODC or Scott Wells, the skeleton is the same.
Just the meat around the bones has changed. The
costumes are different, the music is different etc.
But still essentially the same piece. Or is it?
The piece by Yoko Ono that I will be examining is her
"Cut Piece". First done in '64, she sits on stage and
audience members come on stage and cut her clothing.
In my show I will do this piece again. I will sit on
stage, audience members will come on stage and cut off
my clothes. Some people will say that I am doing
Ono's piece again. But am I? The scissors are
different, the clothes, the audience, the location,
the pathways cut into the clothing will be different.
If ODC and Scott Wells are different pieces then Ono's
piece and mine are different. In both cases, the
costumes are different. The people executing the
movements are different. The pathways of the bodies
and scissors are different. The lighting is
different. The soundscore is different. Yet the
skeleton remains the same.
People are more likely to say that I am repeating
Ono's piece because it is a different enough of a
skeleton from the basic dance skeleton. No one says
to ODC or Paul Taylor - "Oh lights, movement, and
music...that is So and So's piece" Why not? Because
that skeleton is from time immemorial. And most dance
I see is just repeating the same skeleton over and
over again. And dance is so rich because we keep
investigating the same skeleton over and over again.
Where would dance be if people stopped making dances
to music because that had already been done?
By keeping certain structures identified with certain
artists, the collective artistic investigation is
limited. By saying - Oh we can't do that because that
is So and So's piece - we cut ourselves off from so
many possibilties. Every piece in this show that I am
relating to, I consider a door that was created when
the pieces were originally made, a door for us to walk
through. Those artists pointed us in new directions.
It is up to us to continue in those directions and
continue their investigations."
Art Theft
Julian Radcliffe, chairman of the Art Loss Register, which operates a database to help recover lost and stolen art equated art thieves with murders and child slavers.
Now, I am all for art, but to equate people who are basically fancy shoplifters with murders...that is a grand exaggeration. I think it is another case of someone whose vision has become so myopic, so involved in one's field that s/he has lost perspective.
United Charging for 2nd Bag
Well, what about fat people? Following the extra cost for extra weight logic, fat people should have to pay more also. Why should I at 185 lbs. pay the same as someone who weighs 250lbs.? How about pregnant women? Extra weight extra cost... Should I get a discount if I void my bowels and bladder before getting on the plane? How much does the collective amount of fecal matter weigh on a plane? Maybe I can get a discount if I promise to never use the bathroom while flying. If no one uses it, no need to clean it...think of the savings there. Maybe airlines could start charging people to use the bathroom.
Toilet paper will be extra.
Packaging I thought of involves climbing rope, magnets and Fritos. Looking for magnets online led me to a cool page. I've got 8 magnets coming my way.
After performing at a benefit for Million Fishes in San Francisco last night, K and I went to the Chieftain, a nice Irish pub on the corner of 5th and Howard. Tried Cragganmore as I have never had it before and had a dream about. Did not like it one bit.
Pulley tendon poppage
So while icing, more time to play Hordes of Orcs. After remembering how to take a picture of my desktop - caps lock, shift+commad+4, click drag crosshairs - took a picture of the impossible level of cross something. Forget the name of the level. But have already completed that level, but wanted to try out the LVL. 5 lighting tower. (Warning!! Approaching geekdom) Here is a photo of it- 16 arrow towers, radiation, ice and lighting at max. After learning the bait trick, this game just becomes a waiting game. Symmetry...you gotta love it! Hit them with some radiation as they enter, ice to slow them down, lighting to fry them...