

everyone has popped a zit, at least everyone over 12. I just had one on my head, the right side near the forehead. I have been scratching it all day, irritating it. That irritation where it hurts if you touch the spot but for some reason you can't leave it alone. I guess it had been irritated enough as it finally formed a head, ( I can't really see it to tell) but just a little but ago, I squeezed it and it popped. Did I hear it, or feel it happen? or both? Such a visceral experience popping a zit. When it happens, you know it. Maybe a little blood, some lymphatic fluid. Pus is always exciting. But is it the skin breaking that you feel/hear? The opening of your fleshbodywaterbag to exposure to the outside elements, the ripping of your largest organ? I am sure that there is some noise made by a zit popping, how ever quiet it is.

Bastard Zen Koan- what is the sound of one zit popping?

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